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Added topic Half of position closed automatically in MT4
HI, I'm subscribed to a signal and I had an open position of 0.05 for days with that signal. Now today suddenly 0.02 of the position was closed without me doing anything or the signal changing or closing anything.  The entry in logs was: Signal
Added topic If i have EURUSD and EURUSDp, signal provider has EURUSD
Hi, if i have symbold in my mt4 EURUSD and EURUSDp and signal provider has EURUSD, I want it to copy the trade on only EURUSDp NOT EURUSD, can that be done? I read this already: If a Subscriber's account has a symbol with the same name as the one on
Added topic urgent question about slippage while using vps
hi, i'm copying a signal for a week and i am using a vps as well. in the beginning the slippage was non existant but since yesterday i'm having a slippage of over 8 points, sometimes 4 points, i didn't change anything, why is that? is my broker on
Added topic what is the suffix at the end of symbol mean?
hi, sometimes i see different symbols at the end of trading instruments like EURUSD .fxe or EURUSD# What does these mean and do all brokers offer these
Added topic subscribing to signal
hi, if i subscribe to a signal and there's already an open trade, is there a way not to copy that trade at the current price when i subscribe? or will the trade automatically open as soon as i subscribe
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