
Worst advice you know?

A lot of different traders, a few success stories and every once in a while some golden advice; I think that sums up forums. I have read some really good newbie tips, some I would give myself and some that had a different twist, but made perfect sense. When it comes to trading, as long as you get

Are you buying the recovery story in the US?

I know the debate goes back and worth and some believe the US is in recover mode (albeit at a much slower pace than the historical norm) while others don’t believe the US economy is recovering at all. It appears that there are conflicting signs, at least in my opinion, but I read this post over at a

Do you use similar indicators?

I have seen so many charts where people add indicators which tell them the exact same thing. I trade essentially naked and focus on price action, but I have been shown so many charts where traders clutter it with indicators and often with a similar indicator which makes no sense to me at all. Those

Will Greece restart the Eurozone debt crisis?

It seems like the story never ends; Greece started the Eurozone debt crisis and it seems that whenever news about the ongoing debt contagion are just about forgotten there is a new flare of wildfire and we hear or read about Greece again. I came across this article posted by one of the Paxforex

Do you think the Fed will taper this year?

A lot of discussions back and forth have talked about this topic since Bernanke first mentioned it which caused a market sell -off. Everyone knows that sooner or later QE will end and that the markets will have to return back to some sort of normal without Fed life support. Do you think the economy

How would you have voted?

Minutes from the last Fed meeting showed that a significant amount of voting members wanted to do the right thing and scale back on stimulus. Some Fed watchers put the number as high as six votes or 50% of the FOMC in favor of a reduction in stimulus or tapering if you wish. Assume for a moment you

Biggest central bank mistake?

I was wondering what you think was the biggest mistake made by any central bank since 2008? I think all central banks failed together and am a big opponent of stimulus as it only applies a short term fix hoping it will buy the economy time, but at some point someone has to pay for the stimulus which

Any thoughts?

Setting Stop Loss to tight I know everyone has a different approach, strategy and preference when it comes to stop loss orders. I have come across several forum posts or blog posts where traders set a stop loss order less than 10 pips away from their entry. I know scalpers keep them tight. I am just

Are you addicted to trading?

I have met a few traders who appeared to be addicted to trading and even though they were not professional traders they tended to make their daily decisions based on their trading and often cancelled or rescheduled planed events during the week due to trading. I think they did that because they were

Which Central Bank do you pay most attention to?

Central banks and their decisions usually move their respective currencies and associated currency crosses. It is important to watch out for their meetings and more important their press conferences as well as minutes as traders will react and adjust their positions which is why volume as well as