
Passing the same value to multiple classes (even when one initialises the other)

Hello there, How can i pass a value (a variable) from the EA to other classes, even when class A (for example) will also initialise class B? I created a function in a class to display Print or not based on an extern variable set in the EA. While using the function in the EA is a simple exercise of

Is possible to make the compiler rename the ex4?

Hi all, Is there any parameter or workaround to make the compiler rename the ex4? As far as i understand the compiler will generate an ex4 with the same name of the originating mq4 file, but i'd like to be able to change the name based on code. For example, if i have an EA called MyEA.mq4 i could

New "line tool" for MT4. Is it possible?

Hi there, I'd like to create a new line tool for mt4 that would quickly tell me how many points away is my stop and target. I know where (visually) i want to place my stop and target, but the tool would count the pips for me. The tool would be used by clicking on the chart or just outside it (on the