
Trading time of an instrument

Hi everyone, is there a function or simple already made code that would result in number of minutes instrument is traded in a day? Par example, UKOil is traded from 3:05 to 23:50 and forex pairs from 0:05 to 23:55. Regards

Manual EA orders

Hi, I am interested in the possibility of giving trading orders(T/P and stop to existing order or new entry order, maybe OCO order possibility) with the use of EA where I would manually specify levels for the order to execute. Does such EA already exists already(a question for somebody that knows

drawing an integer above/below candle

Hi, I would like to draw an integer (~5-200) above/below a candle when conditions are met instead of drawing just an arrow as it would be more informative for me. Any simple enough code to do it? I have searched the codebase, but haven't found something(yes, I haven't checked everything). Maybe