pitpitrowski / Achievements
Shows whether the user is open to other community members. To increase your openness, fill in all the Profile fields and contacts, upload an avatar, open your "Security" email and register as the Seller.
The ATC Participant:
Depends on the user's participation in the annual Automated Trading Championships in the MQL5 language for programming trading strategies. Take part in the battles of trading robots to increase your rating!
The more friends the user has, the higher this index is. Add to your friends anyone who you find interesting and who you would like to keep in touch with
Activity on the users' wall:
Share your life events, post interesting news and ideas and socialize with other users - this will increase your rating
Topic Starter:
Create new topics if they have not been discussed yet. Each new topic or poll improves this rating.
Formed by the number of published comments. Participate in the forum discussions and ask questions to increase your rating.
Participate in public opinion polls on the forum. Do not miss this opportunity to participate in the development of useful and convenient services.
Hot Topics:
The number of comments received in the forum topics created by the user. Create vital and interesting discussions to have your rating grow.
Formed by the number of read threads. Follow the forum topics to be abreast of all the updates.
Shows the number of published posts.
Formed by the number of published comments.
Shows the number of published articles. You can start writing articles right now and earn not only the rating, but also an amount to your MQL5.community account.
Code Base
Shows the number of source codes published by the user. Contribute to the library of codes to improve this rating.
Popular Programs:
The popularity of the user's Code Base publications amount the community members. Share interesting and useful programs and contribute to the popularization of the MQL5 language.
Reflects the participation of the user in the evaluation of programs published by other MQL5.community members. Rate published programs and add comments - this will be a valuable feedback for the program authors and will help newcomers to find the best programs.
Reflects the activity of the Freelance customer. The more jobs you have ordered, the higher this rating is.
Solutions Developer:
Shows the number of completed jobs. To raise this rating, be active in performing orders posted in the Jobs.
Favorite Developer:
How many times the developer have been indicated in personal jobs. Performing good job in time, you can easily get repeat customers. You will receive personal orders and have a higher rating.
Active Developer:
The number of applications to perform posted jobs. Apply for jobs and try to perform various tasks. Each application increases your chances to receive more orders.
Feedback Poster:
The number of feedbacks added to completed jobs. Being a Customer or a Developer in the Freelance, do not forget to leave your feedback for every completed job. This will increase your rating and help evaluate other users.
Average Feedback:
An aggregate indicator of confidence in the Freelance service based on feedbacks posted. Formed on the basis of the number of orders performed and the mean rate in the feedbacks to these orders.
MQL5 Cloud Agents
Agents Supplier:
Displays the number of completed tasks in MQL5 Cloud Network. The more agents you register, the
greater the efficiency. Visit cloud.mql5.com to learn how to take part in distributed cloud computing.
Cloud Client:
Reflects the activity of using the MQL5 Cloud Network. Specify your MQL5.community login and password in the terminal settings and take advantage of fast calculations with the cloud computing network.
Service Desk
Quality Assurance:
Reflects the activity in the Service Desk of the site. Use our products and services, and if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to contact us via the Service Desk.
Products Posted:
The number of products posted by the user. Publish your own programs in the Market and improve your rating.
Supplier of Demo Versions:
Downloads of demo versions of the user's products in the Market. Register as a Seller and post paid products to improve this rating.
Feedback Poster:
The number of feedbacks written by the user on products downloaded in the Market. Your comments will be very useful for other buyers and will help to raise your rating.
Signals provider:
The number of subscriptions to user's signals. Depends on the subscription period
Reviews posted in Signals:
The number of reviews the user has posted about the subscribed signals
Reviews received in Signals:
The number of reviews received about the user's signals
Screenshots published:
The number of public screenshots published by the user