
Common crappy implementation of on/off button for indys can cause MT4 hangs, slow system. Better way??

I notice a lot of requests by non-programmers for others to 'please implement an on/off button' in various indicators. This is actually a nice handy feature to have. Unfortunately there is a *terrible* template someone(?) is using to implement the on/off button that is, at best, slow and

Ghost/stale image of MT4 Order Form border appearing on screen. Bug?

I have a new Windows 11 (fully updated) Dell computer which is pretty fast (12th Gen Intel i9-12900K, 32G RAM, 2 SSD's). I like it, and with 16 cores/24 threads, I can run a lot more MT4's at once now, but there is one big drawback, which is that when I use the MT4 Order form to update the S/L or

If quit MT4 while maximized on any chart, after restart, a previously minimized chart displays improperly as normal size surrounded by black

I'm using the latest MT4 1220, and a normal "default" template for new chart. I don't know for how long this bug has existed, but I noticed the same symptom reported years ago... Steps to easily reproduce this bug: Start MT4. Clear away all charts. Open 4 new ones. Minimize the 1st two charts

In MT4, is there a simple way to get a UniqueID per *each* instance of an indicator?

Hi MT4 programmers, I have indicators that create objects . For a few of my indicators, I might add more than one (of the same indicator) to a chart. A problem will occur if the indicators both create and delete the same object names. Therefore, the usual workaround is to use a user-defined

MT4 BUG: DRAW_HISTOGRAM with DOT lines changes to SOLID when zoomed in close.

I'm using MT4 4.00 build 509, but this bug has been around for quite some time. The attached program draws Daily cycle lines using DRAW_HISTOGRAM to draw vertical DOT lines. The desired line style is DOT, which works when zoomed out, but if one zooms in to the 2 closest zoom levels (5th or 6th), the

Anyone have ideas or examples to score the resonance of a Trendline to Pivots, OHLC?

Hello expert MT4 programmers and users. I've written a lot of MT4 indicators, some with even >25K lines, so I am in fact a serious programmer. However, I'm not so strong with code algorithms, and in particular, I am struggling with how to implement an idea to measure the resonance of a Trendline

How would one convert this AML_v2.mq4 to mq5? It creates ModSchiff PF and parallels, various "slave" objects that follow the user-drawn master Andrews PF object.

Hi mql5 experts, I have programmed several sophisticated indicators in MQL4, some even >25K lines (!). It represents years of work, and happily for me anyway, most brokers show little sign of phasing out support for MT4. I would have to guess that there is so much MT4 legacy work out there that

Suggest best way to write MT4 Confluence-of-targets EA that watches how PA reacts

Hi all, I've written or modified several MT4 indicators & scripts but am a bit stuck on how to approach the writing of a rather complex EA I have in mind. I'm looking for suggestions, and even better, some examples of other EA's that might do something similar to what I have in mind. The idea is

I see function WindowIsVisible(int idx) but is there any way to do: WindowSetVisible(int idx, bool true/false) ??

I have in mind a script to drag onto a chart with indicators that will simply toggle the visibility of those same indicator(s). It is easy enough to get a WindowsTotal() count, and then for each window, check "WindowIsVisible(idx)". However, AFAIK, there is no "WindowSetVisible(idx, true/false)" to

How can I retrieve the font name since function ObjectGetText, nor property OBJPROP_FONTNAME, do not exist?

Hi MQL4 programmers, I am wanting to create text and label objects using the same font_name, font_size, and font_color as an existing text or label object. However, I cannot find any function which will retrieve for me the FONT_NAME! I need to create the new objects with the same font_name as the