Peter Williams
Peter Williams
Now retired and living in Scotland with great views over the Clyde Estuary.
Like most trying to establish - create or use - profitable EAs
Peter Williams
Added topic ERROR 129
I've read some other posts and just no idea how to resolve this problem. I am still using a demo account (on Alpari - may not be as reliable as LIVE account). I have an array MOT with details of all current orders. The following is from my own log
Peter Williams
Added topic error: 4008 not initialized string
WTL (write to log ) contains date / time and case number case 2047 : WTL=WTL+ " MH - Enter Monitor Hedge - Ticket # " +ticket_nos; break ; case 20471 : WTL=WTL+ " MH - Enter Monitor Hedge - Ticket # " +ticket_nos; break ; case 20472 : WTL=WTL+ " MH -
Peter Williams
Added topic How to create a horizontal line
Sorry it sounds so simple but I'd just like to see some sample code - then play around. (Any sample code for dealing with 'objects' would be great.) I just want to place a horizontal line as my own trailing stop. I guess I want to create an object
Peter Williams
Added topic My Order Modify fails
Coding Problems. Can't figure what I am doing again! MOT is a matrix of all current orders (I also have a MOT_index which is a single dimension vector - used to sort the array if required). Write to Log is as the name suggests a log file of events
Peter Williams
Added topic Close ALL Open Trades
I wanted to quickly delete all trades - whilst testing. I am testing on several different charts so thought I could have a simple EA to close all records. If I run (the code below) on a non related chart then it doesn't delete any orders - producing
Peter Williams
Added topic how to draw an indicator on a chart
Hi - hope there is a simple solution to this query. I am writing an EA and I use a 'low' SMA (simple moving average ) and a 'high' SMA - they could be anything say from 2-10 for the low and 20-100+ for the high. At the moment I have my default values
Peter Williams
Added topic My Alert Window has gone missing!
I am developing my EA and use the Alert function extensively. It is great -- but with no obvious explanation the window has gone walk about. The regular ALERT 'noise signal' keeps sounding but there is no window popping up to display the contents of
Peter Williams
Added topic How to place working functions ina separate file
I am developing my code and it keeps getting longer! I am sure there must be a way to place - say - working functions (1 or more) into a separate file. I have seen the include, scripts etc but haven't found just what I need to do
Peter Williams
Added topic Newbie - struggling
I am trying to develop an EA and at the moment trying to get logical parts to work and just can't figure out what is wrong here. Perhaps someone could point me in the right direction First - the order does not close Second - GetLastError() appears to
Peter Williams
Added topic Error Message 4105
Thought I'd create very simple EA to try and understand how file I/O operations work. Documetnation states the file should be :- terminal_directory\experts\files folder ( terminal_directory\tester\files if for expert testing) or in its subfolders
Peter Williams
Added topic What is the sigtnificance of explanation mark
I have been 'playing' with some code examples and I cam across if (!ExistPositions()) { What is the significance of the ! or exclamation mark