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Added topic MT5 crash
MT5 on window 11 not working properly getting closed after few minutes. Happening from past week. Nothing is there in Logs folder. Sometym log folder showing "shutdown with 0"
Added topic Not able to find server on webterminal
Hi,  I was trying to login through webterminal and server option is showing only one option of demo server. I am unable to find any other server there is only one server option of demo sever not other server. How to login through webterminal
Added topic Contact Service Desk
HI,  I want to contact Service Desk about the problem. How can i contact them
Added topic MT5 getting crashed
Hi, MT5 is getting crashed/closed after some minute of use. Its happening from the morning. Earlier it was ok it was using it fine. I have searched the forum but not able to find any solution. In log folder it is showing something like this. CP 0
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