McDonald Jeremiah
McDonald Jeremiah
McDonald Jeremiah
Left feedback to developer for job BUY and SELL arrow based on Condition
McDonald Jeremiah
Added topic Ichimoku (Teken sen) & RSi in sam custom indicator
    Can i use the  ichimoku (Tks,) or any MA. With RSi indicator in same window      For instance  ichimoku (teken sen) crossing RSI  Is it possible ??  To code this  If it possible  what do i
McDonald Jeremiah
Added topic Mt5 coding problem !!!!
I want to program my custom indicator   because i couldn't afford the price of a free lancer , and I read almost , necessary for these , but there isn't a simple explanation on particular place , all i could see is stacks of code  with
McDonald Jeremiah
Added topic Can anyone please help me with this code it wont display on chart
I cant get the Reason why it wont appear  After compiling it says no error  Please help me with whatever you can