
[HELP-Answered] Draw same object on multiple charts

Hi all I am trying to draw a square from time1,price1 to time2,price2 across all open charts. I expected this to work but it only draws it on the first chart . long chartID=0; if(drawFVG) while(chartID >= 0) { RectangleCreate(chartID,"FVG"+par_temp,0,time1,price1,time2,price2);

How to get experience logged onprofile

Hi. On my profile I see "experience:no" On other profiles, I see a couple years. How can I get / set my experience logged? Thank you

[HELP - Resolved] - Invalid Volume

Hi all. is there something wrong in this code? It was passing automatic validation before, but now it is not. Nothing else was changed, if I recall correctly. request.volume= round (request.volume/ SymbolInfoDouble (par_temp, SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN ))* SymbolInfoDouble (par_temp

[HELP-resolved] SymbolInfoDouble Margin Initial returns zero?

Hi all. I am trying to workout how can I get this "3" that I see on the symbol specs on my broker. But SymbolInfoDouble Symbol Magrin Initial returns 0.0 SymbolInfoDouble (par, SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL ) So I ran them all and displayed as comment to debug: Hints += "\nMargin Hedged : " +

[Help - fixed] Leverage is disturbing my Size calculation. Using TV.

Hi all. My function SetSize is working on my own trading conditions, but not working on high leverage or low account balances as I extecpted. I expected on a smaller account the size to be smaller since I am making it a function of the balance. I expected on a large leverage account the size to also

[NEED HELP] 365/544 should not be zero

Hi fellow coders. Please explain this math to me, or where I am wrong. I know that a division by infinite will return zero. So since I was getting zero on a division, I pointed the denominator. Returns: This is in the context of coding a CAGR, which is returning zero for this same reason and should

[HELP - Pending Order Selection] Code only works on latest

Hi all. I have been working on a function that acts on the pending orders inside a multi symbol EA. When I run the code it works great if I use only 1 pair but when I enable multi symbol it only acts on the latest opened pending Order. I tried using from COrderInfo and directly

ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP modification of trigger price

Hi all. I am trying to build a function where I set a STOP order 's request details, then I check if another exists on same pair, if it doesn't I create it, if it does I want to edit the parameters. I can create it, but it does not change the parameters when found. Can it be done? I tried using both

TRADE_ACTION_SLT error -> Invalid request

My Trailing SL function no longer works. Maybe it is because of my NormalizeDouble routine. Normalize Double: //NormalizeDdouble(double,par); double ND( double val, string par) { // return(NormalizeDouble(val,StringLen(SymbolInfoDouble(par,SYMBOL_POINT)))); return ( NormalizeDouble (val

Volume to currency (exposure) calculation

Hi all. My goal: to establish exposure limits in order to diversify my entries across pairs on a multi symbol FX EA. For this I plan on having an array of volumes, which I then "operate a calculation on" to get values into an array of USD exposure values. Where I am: I have an array with the asset