
The wrong interpretation of the affirmation that the markets change

It is common in the trading literature to hear that the markets change. You can read this in books or trading magazines. You can find a lot of examples where they tell us stories about traders who were performing well in the past and they haven’t adapted their trading method finished losing all

Exiting a trade is as important as entering it

Does it happen to you that you are in an open trade and the price is oscillating near your entry point and you think that the price is changing the direction? And as far as you close the trade the price continues to go in your direction? Exiting the trade prematurely This means that you have an

If a trading method didn’t generate setups for a long enough period?

Hi all, after spending a lot of time analyzing the charts I had been able to build my method based on the price action. This method was performing well from February to July of this year(2012). It didn’t give me a lot of signals. I was making only 5-7 trades a month on the 3 minutes chart. But the