Test Period for Paid Signals Canceled!
For providers' convenience we have decided to cancel the mandatory test period for paid signals. This means that you can start selling your trading signals right now. Previously, providers had to endure one month of public monitoring. Within that
Test Period for Paid Signals Canceled!
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read August 2014
The Sensible Guide To Forex: Safer, Smarter Ways to Survive and Prosper from the Start The Sensible Guide to Forex: Safer, Smarter Ways to Survive and Prosper from the Start is written for the risk
Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Comment to topic Something Interesting in Financial Video August 2014
How to Day Trade with a Small Account Sick of hearing trading advice only to find that you need a $20,000 starting account? For most people, $20,000 starting capital is way out of range ! This webinar
Natasya Saad
Natasya Saad
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Enhancing Trader Performance: Proven Strategies From the Cutting Edge of Trading Psychology Trading is a performance discipline, and like Olympic athletes, elite military troops, and performing
Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic Press review
AUD/USD Monthly Technical Analysis for August 2014 Higher inflation data and the belief the Reserve Bank of Australia’s next move will be an interest rate hike, helped drive the AUD/USD into a new
Press review
7sin 2014.08.10
چارتهای شما بسیار آموزنده است
Natasya Saad
Natasya Saad
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Money And Power : How Goldman Sachs Came To Rule The World From the bestselling, prize-winning author of THE LAST TYCOONS and HOUSE OF CARDS, a revelatory history of Goldman Sachs, the most dominant
Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Natasya Saad
Natasya Saad
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read August 2014
The Practical Guide To Wall Street : Equities & Derivatives The Practical Guide to Wall Street is an indispensable resource for anyone who aspires to a front-office sales or trading position on Wall
Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Bubble Value at Risk: Extremistan and Procyclicality : Max C.Y.Yong This is a story of the illusion of risk measurement. Financial risk management is in a state of confusion. The 2008 credit crisis
Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Казанова был генитально одаренным палковводцем.
На его могиле надпись - «Мир паху твоему».
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read August 2014
High Probability Trading : Take The Steps To Become A Successful Trader Before he became a successful trader, Marcel Link spent years wading from one system to the next, using trial and error to
Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Natasya Saad
Natasya Saad
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read August 2014
New Trading Dimensions: How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities : Bill Williams As today's market environment continues to change dramatically, more and more traders are discovering
Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Muhammad Syamil Bin Abdullah
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read August 2014
A Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading : Anna Coulling If you aspire to becoming a full time forex trader, then this is the book for you. Even if your dream is perhaps more modest, and you
Something Interesting to Read August 2014
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Записываем условие задачи. У Вани было 5 яблок. По документам. По факту 3, а по договору 7.
Вопрос: сколько яблок будет у того, кто проверяет Ванину хозяйственную деятельность?
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Суворов предпочитал полных женщин, но для закалки спал на досках
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
А лисички взяли спички
Подожгли слону яички
[Deleted] 2014.08.04
Раз Труляля и Траляля
Решили вздуть друг дружку,
Из-за того, что Траляля
Испортил погремушку, —
Хорошую и новую испортил погремушку.

Но ворон, черный, будто ночь.
На них слетел во мраке.
Герои убежали прочь,
Совсем забыв о драке. —
Тра-ля-ля-ля, тру-ля-ля-ля, совсем забыв о драке.
Alexander Voronkov
Alexander Voronkov
Comment to topic Интересное и Юмор
Спокойной Ночи
Интересное и Юмор
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
"Россия 24" сообщает: "Импорт в Россию фруктов из Евросоюза прекращен из-за плодожерки."
- Да, так обидно меня еще никто не обзывал..- подумал Путин
Denis Shestakov
Denis Shestakov 2014.07.31
shared author's MetaQuotes post
Инфографика "Что представляет собой MetaTrader Market"
Инфографика "Что представляет собой MetaTrader Market"

Несколько недель назад была опубликована отчетная инфографика по сервису "Фриланс". Тогда мы пообещали, что вскоре раскроем цифры и по Маркету. И вот теперь предлагаем ознакомиться с собранными

Outline of MetaTrader Market (Infographics)

MetaTrader Market ( was officially released in February 2012. The store of trading applications has come a long way since then. Initially the Market was introduced in MetaTrader 5. Then, the Market section was also launched for MetaTrader 4. The range of products has been expanded as well, from offering trading applications to provide also financial magazines and books.

The evolution of the Market increased the sales turnover: by July 2014, about 6 300 products worth a total of more than $522,000 have been sold in the Market, while 520 sellers and 24 500 buyers have already passed through the application store. This increase in sales has given rise to the emergence of the significant number of successful developers making $10,000 or more per month. Check the Market infographic below for more interesting statistical data on the Market service results.Outline of MetaTrader Market (Infographics)

MetaTrader Market ( ) was officially released in February 2012. The store of trading applications has come a long way since then. Initially the Market was introduced in MetaTrader 5. Then, the Market section was also launched for MetaTrader 4. The range of products has been expanded as well, from offering trading applications to provide also financial magazines and books.

The evolution of the Market increased the sales turnover: by July 2014, about 6 300 products worth a total of more than $522,000 have been sold in the Market, while 520 sellers and 24 500 buyers have already passed through the application store. This increase in sales has given rise to the emergence of the significant number of successful developers making $10,000 or more per month. Check the Market infographic below for more interesting statistical data on the Market service results.
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How to post technical analysis on mql5 forum
How to post technical analysis on mql5 forum

As many users want to make their technical/fundamental/any analysis so I have to explain about the rules how it should be going on this website. 1. Start your thread with your