
No answer from Desk

hi I sent a message to the desk from my account, 6 days ago and no answer from them? is somebody can tell me what happen, why no answer after 6 days? Thanks

Call a function dynamically

Hi, do you know if it's possible to call a function dynamically please? I f yes, how? Example: Function declaration: Void myFunction1(){...;...;...;} Void myFunction2(){...;...;...;} Void myFunction3(){...;...;...;} In the code: for(i=1;i<4;i++) { myFunction+"i()"; } This example doens't work, but

recover news from forex factory

Hi, I wanted to know what address I have to use in a code for recover news from forexfactory. Until now i used this and it worked <code> string url=""; ResetLastError(); int timeout=5000;

Short or long only by code

Hi, Is it possible to oblige an EA to trade only long or short from code. I know it's possible manualy, but by code? ‌If, yes what command have to use please? Thanks‌

Window handle

‌Hello, I have a question about chartGetInteger: Normaly and If I understand well how this function works, I can recover the CHART_WINDOW_HANDLE like this: ‌ ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WINDOW_HANDLE ) and it works if chart id is 0, but if I try to recover the chart ID of chart B from chart A, it

Recover value of un objet edit

Hi, all is in the title, I would want to know I can recover the value I write in an OBJ_EDIT put on graph if I click on a button for exeample? I think it's easy but i don't arrive, i tried with OBJPROP_TEXT, but I don't understand how it works exactly. Thanks in advance for your help

Problem for install MT4

Hi, I try to install MT4 on ubuntu. I installed wine and when I try to install MT4, it ask me proxy information like you can see in attachment. For information: Is on a vps and I asked to the provider if they use a proxy, and they answered me: no. No firewall on the server too. I followed the

How to export profiles

Hi, I have many profiles on one of my MT4 platform, and I want to export all of them to an other MT4 platform. How I can do this please? I tried to find in the documentation and the forum, but I didn't find. Thanks in advance for your help

error 4107

Hi anybody, when i send an order sellstop I meet a problem, not everytime, but often. I write log and in this, there is the bid price and my sellstop price: FlashTick;2016.06.21;18:30:32;short GDAXI;0.1; 10030.9 -- 10021.92 ;4107 In red, the bid price and in blue my sellstop price. I don't

Dowload history data

Hello, I try to dowload data 1 time by day at 00:01 and write this code and i want the data of previous day from 00:00 to 23:59 deb=TimeCurrent()-86460; fin=TimeCurrent()-120; for(int x=0;x<ArraySize(tab_pair);x++) { MqlRates rates[];