I am an EA and Indicator Developer.
Also I can develop Auto Trading Software for Indian Trading applications (NEST / PI)
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Added topic Can anyone access the Data Folder files of MT4 present in local system
MT4 has a Data Folder which has all the MQL4 files such as Experts , Indicators , Library, etc... Every MT4 has a Login ID and a Server through which the data is fed to the MT4 chart  I purchase the MT4 data from a Server through a vendor
Added topic Block EA from running on strategy tester
Here is the simple EA code which gives an Alert when initialized on the chart.. int OnInit() {  Alert("The EA is Initialized"); return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } I want to lock this EA to not run its code on strategy tester . How can I do that? Thanks
Added topic To extract alert message to the DDE sample excel file
To get the Bid price of a symbol in an Excel file cell , I use     " MCRO is the Symbol of the script" Similarly is it possible to extract the Alert message in the  excel? If so what is the Formula for that Excel cell?? Thanks
Added topic Writing the data to a specific cell to an Excel file
I am able to write the values to the excel on each tick using  int A = FileOpen(FileName, FILE_WRITE ); FileWrite(A, Bid); FileWrite(A, Ask); --------------------------------------------- I would like to know how to write this data to a
Added topic Retrieve Ask Price from MT4 to Excel
How to retrieve the Ask and Bid Price from Mt4 chart to an excel on live
Added topic Nest Bridge
Hello I want to retrieve my Profit and Loss data from NEST Trader Could any guide me on how to Get M2M value from the Nest trader and display in the Mt4 chart?? Many Thanks Naren
Added topic Nest Bridge
Could anyone give me a Hint about how the Bridge interface between MT4 chart and NEST Trader works? How the Order execution takes place in Nest trader through MT4 chart? How to pass orders from MT4 chart to get executed in Nest trading platform
Added topic MT4 Bridge for Nest trader (Indian Trading Platform)
Any Indian Developers!!! I need a programmer to develop a simple Bridge between Mt4 and Nest trader. Please let me know
Added topic How to code a Edit Graphic Panel in MT4 chart
Hello, I want to create an Input box in the chart. For example I need a Label called Lot size and an Input Box wherein I key in the Lot size. Also I should be able to retrieve this Lot size Value and use this in Placing an order. Now I need a input
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