

Please , is stoploss different from loss position of an order


programatically, In buy and sell orders, breakeven is sometimes used as part of order management strategy ea . Is there a possiblity that breakeven can used more than once in same strategy . Thank you


/ void OnStart () { //--- incorrect file opening method string terminal_data_path= TerminalInfoString ( TERMINAL_DATA_PATH ); string filename=terminal_data_path+ "\\MQL4\\Files\\" + "fractals.csv" ; int filehandle= FileOpen (filename, FILE_WRITE | FILE_CSV ); if (filehandle< 0 ) {


adding Trailing is not working ,please your help will be appreciated. input bool UseTrailingstop= true ; {Trail(Trailingstop,MinProfit,Trailstep); for ( int x= 0 ;x<= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;;x++) bool r= OrderSelect (x,SELECT_BY_POS); intMagicNumber=OrdermagicNumber(); orderType=OrderType(); if


Pivot Lines indicator can be as seen below: double PP, // Pivot Levels R1, R2, R3, S1, S2, S3, Plot(0,"R1"+name,0,time,StylePivots,WidthPivots); In ea, how is similar applied to EA. Thank you


void OnTick ( ) { if ( IsNewCandle ( ) ) { } } Please , is there a means for the start of a new candle. Thanks


Void Timer () does not work on indicator. OnInit- Eventkiller(500), i might be wrong but works perfectly on Expert Advisor. Please correct me , Thank you


Please , in Expert Advisors , does MT5 allow for cryptocurrencies Trading and any library for this to occur. Thank you

MT5 Strategy Testing

hello , please , is there a detailed information on strategy testing in MT5 and does crypto trading apply to all its currencies like any other trading system. Thank you

object on chart

programatically , example , rectangle object placed on chart at a specified time like 10am. ObjectCreate("", rectangle, 0, 0 ). Thanks