Mladen Rakic
Mladen Rakic
4.9 (186)
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7+ years
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Mladen Rakic
Added topic Metatrader 4 build 418 ...
If you are asked to update to newest metatrader build 418 read this posts first : New Version of MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 418 - MQL4 forum Without suggesting anything, but similar problems they had with metatrader 5 in the beginning (double
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Case sensitive autocomplete ...
Is there a way to turn the case sensitivity in auto complete off? If we have to use it with case sensitive typing then it is is good as nothing : not only that we have to know the name of something but also we have to know what type of letters were
Mladen Rakic
Added topic The future of metatrader 4 ...
It seems that something new in the "old" metatrader 4 is happening. According to a post from 28th of February 2012. In the post, following is said : New MetaTrader 4 build 415 has been released We have released the new MetaTrader 4 build 415 with a
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Opinions on current (2012) crisis ...
Surfing the net for some more info (as usual ) ... Found this one to be informative (even more than it was probably intended to)
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Piracy bill protest day
As it is obvious TSD is not doing it the same way as Wikipedia and a lot of others today, but, in order to remind of a new attempt of US government to censor web contents (and I do not mean hackers, hacking or actual piracy at all now, since that
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Trend Quality indicator(s)
These indicators are all based on a 2004 April issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities article by David Sepiashvili. Originally there were only 2 versions developed by the author, but there were some possibilities that were not explored
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Using spline(s)
This thread will be dedicated to spline(s) usage in technical analysis ________________________ Direct cause for considering splines is the request by simba to create a manual nonlinear trend line, and how ever I thought of it, it seemed that the
Mladen Rakic
Added topic A problem
A problem with indicators : When #property indicator_label(nnn) is used to set label name, what we get is the following (in this case label name is set to 0, regardless of what is written for label value): PS: When using PlotIndexSetString(nnn
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Histogram 2 and color histogram 2 problem
A problem with histogram 2 and color histogram 2 Does not matter if it is in a sub or main window
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Elite indicators - metatrader 5 version :)
This one is for those that use metatrader 5 Metatrader 5, unfortunately, did some things that hardly are logical. One of the things done by it is that builtin averages (and all the other builtin indicators) are not functions any more. That is as big
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Benoit Mandelbrot 1924-2010
Benoit Mandelbrot, the mathematician, the father of fractal mathematics, and advocate of more sophisticated modelling in quantitative finance, died on 14th October 2010 aged 85
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Kaufman AMA break out EA
First a description of reasons for making this EA (apart from the obvious ones ): _________________________________ Due to coders laziness I guess, or due to ignoring the possible errors in EA execution, EAs with proper code execution error
Mladen Rakic
Added topic "meters" ...
Not a new idea, but since we do not have something like these ... And I was wondering is it complicated to make one ____________________________ In this thread indicators that can be called "meters" will be posted. The "meters" in this case refers to
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Interesting readings
In a last couple of days we have be exchanging some documents which is very good (learning, learning, learning ...). But it made me realize that we do not have a separate thread for stuff like this : readings about trading. So I decided to open a
Mladen Rakic
Added topic TTM scalper
Well, here is an indicator that works almost like TTM scalper. The explanation for the "almost" : I did not "iron out" the occasional differences that happen between "my" version and TTM version. There are multiple reasons for that. Some of them
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Correlations revisited ...
Quite some time ago I was doing some work on Pearson correlation indicator. It was working OK and I thought that the "story", as far as coding is concerned, is finished. There is Pearson, there is Spearman's rank correlations... Ops, lets go back a
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Various
In case some of you have been wondering what was the "wonder" indicator picture posted a couple of times in the digital filters thread, and, since rules for advanced elite section are a bit different : It was a MACD of a Hodrick-Prescott filter. One
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Kase indicators
These are indicators from Kase StatWare They have very little in common with the ones posted on the public part of the forum (will post comparison of those too) Wallander will remember the wondering about the 1.92 and 2.08 constants used. Well, these
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Is there a way to prevent automatic update?
I was wondering if there is a way to prevent (disable) automatic update? The reason is simple : there are a lot of changes and in some cases the changes are causing additional errors which prevents continuous working. Here is an example : the upper
Mladen Rakic
Added topic Adaptive lookback indicators
Of adaptive lookback The Adaptive Lookback (period finder) is truly a market-driven indicator used to determine the variable lookback period for many different indicators, instead of a traditional, fixed figure. It is based on the frequency of market