Milad Yarzamn
Milad Yarzamn
Milad Yarzamn
Added topic errorcode:4756 & resultcode:10006
Reason for errors ERR_TRADE_SEND_FAILED: 4756: Trade request sending failed And 10006: TRADE_RETCODE_REJECT: Request rejected What is included in the script below
Milad Yarzamn
Added topic get error canot open ".../include/GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh"
i when use #include < GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh > get this error: can't open "C:\Users\Milad\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\2506E8E7E4116548D478CE2C3598FAB1\MQL5\Include\GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh" include file testerr.mq5 but when open 
Milad Yarzamn
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