
Pending Order Regarded As Live Order

Hi, I'm facing a strange issue. I have a "Flag" order, a Pending order (OP_BUYLIMIT / OP_SELLLIMIT) with a specific comment. This order, could be triggered when market moves very quick, and my CloseOrders function closes this "triggered flag order", by checking with its OrderType, OP_BUY / OP_SELL

Anyway to continue after 130?

Hi, My broker does not return a value for MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL). So, I use a hard coded specific value for stoplevel. (Currently testing only one market). Most of the time, this value works, but failed sometimes. Is there any way to try modification again after the error 130 ? I

Open[] with 5 decimal broker

Hi, I would like to compare Open[0] and Open[1]. My broker uses 5 decimal. So, I would like to compare them as 5 decimal number. In Data window, I can see Open price with 5 decimals. However, when I do Print() it, it appears only with 4 decimals. ex) On data window, Open[0] = 0.89594 However, it

Comparison on double values / No need to round

Hi, I found similar topics on Forum, but they sounded not quite same as my case, and decided to post this one. I have following source code. double SpanA_Buffer[], SpanB_Buffer[]; //These arrays are re-sized and also initialized as follow. ArrayResize(SpanA_Buffer, a_begin-1);

User defined array, not getting a value

Hi, I have a wired problem with my array. I used to be a programmer, and I never had this kind of problem before... Do I need something special to use array in EA? Below is simply not working. Chinkou_Buffer[i]=Close[i] When I Print() these three values, i and Close[i] have values. Chinkou_Buffer[i]