
Issue with Passes on Optimization.

Hello, am experiencing a little bit of an issue, I was trying to create custom reports using the OnTesterPass, OnTesterInit and OnTesterDeinit functions as explained on this great article, but I noticed when I optimize my EA on SLOW COMPLETE ALGORITHM and using

Metatester giving different results on each run for SINGLE TESTS AND OPTIMIZATIONS maintaining same parameters.

We identified an issue with MetaTester, when we run a Single Test once and then we run the same Single Test without changing anything it gives different results. This problem is also happening with Optimizations. We are sending a ZIP File with all the relevant data. This problem is new with one of

Terminal crashing. Build 983

After last week, whenever I try to open the Terminal, it crashes and it gives me this error: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: regsvr32.exe Application Version: 6.1.7600.16385 Application Timestamp: 4a5bcdd6 Fault Module Name: MetaViewer64.dll Fault

Access violation libmysql.dll

Hello all: Ive been using mysql for working with my EAs for some time now, I used mainly this EAX Library, which I added a couple of functions and some error handlers for reconnections in case the connection gets dropped while executing a query, everything works

Metaquotes-Demo Down?

Hey there, Ive noticed that since sunday am unable to Metaquotes-Demo Server on Mt5 is down, I couldnt find any other posts about this, I really like this server because it has really goo history since 2000 on all majors at least, I couldnt find any other broker that actually offers history like

Automatic report export

Hey all, Right now am automatizing my process of optimizing and running tests, I have one question: I want that the terminal automatically exports the single test report in .xlsx format, but when I try to specify Report=\abcd.xlsx on the .ini conf file, it still exports the report as abcd.xlxs.htm

Managed Accounts Question..

Hey Guys, I was talking with my broker (Alpari) and they told me that they do not offer the managed account service for Metatrader 5 yet, and the told me that it isnt an issue with Alpari because they are waiting for Metaquotes to release "something" (the account rep didnt really know how to explain

File Read Problems

Hey Guys i have a little piece of code thats saving the current position open price on a text file with the following code: int file = FileOpen(BOTMagic_Number+".txt", FILE_WRITE|FILE_ANSI, ','); if (file != INVALID_HANDLE) { FileWrite(file,; FileClose(file);

Error 4807 new build 687

Hey there: Before this build i was able to copy indicator buffers the way the first code is written, after this build i starteg getting the error 4807 when i ran the strategy tester, so i decided to debug the code to see which one of the indicators i was having trouble with, so i re wrote the code

Posible Error On Visualization Mode

Hey there, Ive been writing EAs for some time now, i was programming a new MTF EA, I was trying to test it in the visualization mode cuz its easier to spot wrong entries there, but when i start testing and get to 2012.01.02 23:45 (M15) it just stops creating bars.. heres the screenshot hope anyone