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mehran naghib
Added topic problem with send notification in mql5
hi. when i try to send notification to my phone in mql5, in Journal i see this error: --> send request failed (raw - read failed, 0 error, 1 bytes needed) what shuod i do?? :(
mehran naghib
Added topic read the past values of SYMBOL_SESSION_CLOSE
hi everybody. we can read the last value with SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_SESSION_CLOSE) (this is for candle number 0 (live candle)) but i want to read the past values of SYMBOL_SESSION_CLOSE (for candle number 1,2,3,...)
mehran naghib
Added topic how to read the user message in my telegram bot with MQL5
hi everybody how do i read the code that Telegram bot users write and send it to my bot?? (see the pictures) i want to read the strings that send from users.. thank you
mehran naghib
Added topic how to read these volumes??
hi everyone. how can i read these volumes on my screenshot and sae into a parameters ??? help me plz :'(