
Do you need to Request of Arbitration to get back money back on order when developer left no files at all?

The developer seems to have vanished. Left no files to be reviewed so far, hoping he will reappear before time goes out but looks unlikely at the moment. Do I still need to do this Request of Arbitration precedure to get back money or can I just cancel the order some quicker way? If developer

Custom Symbol has live data- but custom time zones not enabling?

Hello, I've set the custom symbol Synthetic instrument formula to "ENQH23" and it is moving with live data --> However the custom time zones that I set up in this custom symbol does not engange. How can I enable the custom time zones for example 1300-2000 each day (removing any extra data in the

Created custom symbol and changed time but time remains identical to default chart?

How do I remove the after and premarket hours from the custom chart is my question so the chart only shows regular market hours? I tried scrolling down in the custom chart settings and changing the time there but nothing changed. Regards

Is there any ready to go ' remove premarket aftermarket data ' from charts altogether?

As headline Q and also have it be a live chart? Easy to do in thinkorswim but for some reason a hassle in Mt5

Add choose sound file on alert indicator ?

Hello could someone please add option to add a option what sound file will be played on this free indicator and an option to cancel sound being played (if you wake up for instance like turning off the alarm)? I could pay a coffee if needed should be a quick fix right <Deleted>