Marine / Profile
Added topic Suggestion for the LiveUpdate Panel
Hi Development Team, Just a little thing: Could you adapt a link in the "Update panel" to the page where the user can find the information about the update? No hurry ;-). Greatings, Marine
Added topic Historycenter cannot connect to 80
Hi there, I have a problem with the historycenter. Is it down? See picture. There is contact with the Brooker's server. Just 3 month of 1 min data is provided in the historycenter. There is no download activity (no green download progression bar
Added topic Arbitrary / random appearance and disappearance of the indicator lines or indicator window in visual mode of EA
Hi forum-ists, I need “trial an error” to get a line or indicator panel of the incorporated indicators to show up on the visualized chart. Used: Indicators, here ATR am MA (see enclosed source code). Working in the visual mode and visual mode-box on

Urgent suggestion for the economic calendar (MT5 and/or imbedded in browser). The election in the USA is not an economic issue in the calendar on the upcoming 3 nov (US election day). That is a "little" understatement of the economic impact (Typhoon cat 4-5).
The volatility in 2016 (Clinton vs Trump) was huge for stocks, indices and for Forex. For the EURUSD the difference was 3.4% between the high and the low that day (2016-11-09)!
An election in a country is mostly an especially important economic event. Some advisors give advice to stay out of the market 4 days before and 4 days after such an event. I strongly plead to take this (elections) to the provider of the Economic calendar to enrich the calendar on this point. This gives the opportunity to program this king of events in an EA's.
The volatility in 2016 (Clinton vs Trump) was huge for stocks, indices and for Forex. For the EURUSD the difference was 3.4% between the high and the low that day (2016-11-09)!
An election in a country is mostly an especially important economic event. Some advisors give advice to stay out of the market 4 days before and 4 days after such an event. I strongly plead to take this (elections) to the provider of the Economic calendar to enrich the calendar on this point. This gives the opportunity to program this king of events in an EA's.

Added topic The same statement but different result in EA compared with Script or Indicator: AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
Anyone an Idea why I get different result on a EUR accouct about the value of the account-currency? I need the value of the account in an EA. Expert advisor give's as result: USD (???)
Added topic Chartperiod() or period() value greater than 1 hour quite divergent from minute values. Incl. request table enhancement (mql5 documentation)
Can someone explain the logic/rationale behind the chosen values for the period (H1 - MN1) in MQL5 ( red values in table below)? It is now impossible to simply give 1440 (minutes) to an extern variable in mql5 when I mean 1 day (D1). For (H1
Added topic EA cannot load on my MetaQuotes virtual server
Hi Forum staff, Year after Year I hire a virtual server from Mataquotes. Last weeks three of the four EA's refuse to load when synchronised (See the attachement of a journal). I changed server two days ago (from London to Amsterdam) but that didn't
Added topic MQL4 site changes unwamted with MQL5 site
When in login with my account (let’s say "John") on in the MT4 website ( ) I give a password I land on the MLQ4 site. So far so good. The next click on for instance on “BLOGS” or “CODEBASE” brings me unquestioned on the MLQ5