
Need a correction hand with a loop for consecutive orders

I need to opened a market buy order above the 1 pip above the last order. Just a one trade and continue same if price goes up. I'm using the following code and problem with that is, it is opening multiple orders at a one price whereas I needed open a one buy trade for 1 pip up. Please help me with

Currency Strength Calcuation

Please some one can share how to calculate currency strength for particular pair, percentage wise in mql..? Or just the mathematics calculation

How to expire a loop after predefined period of time...?

Please someone can help me following code......? int TimeNow=TimeSeconds(TimeCurrent()); for (int B=0; B<5; B=B+TimeNow) { ///Code........... } Since time has been converted to int it won't be seconds anymore I guess. How can run the loop for 4 seconds or expire after 4 seconds