
code/object to manipulate the strategy tester combinations to run?

Hi All, I am looking for a potential solution to control the passes/parameter combinatations in strategy optmization. When running strategy optimzation (slow complete, not genetic) the ontesterinit() will create the list of all combinations of the parameters selected for optimization. With

Strategy optimization with local network farm - define batch size per agent/loadbalancing?

Hi All, Is there any way to set a custom batch size of tasks to be send to the agents on local network farm? I am seeing many of my agents being idle for a long time while others are still having a big list of tasks to be processed. Would be good if I could steer this with either smaller task

Loading predefined set of parameter combination to use in strategy optimization

Hi all, I am looking for a way to define the parameter combinations to use in strategy tester based on a list rather than creating a full set of all possible combinations as done by standard optimization. simplified e.g: 5 parameters with different ranges, p1 from 0 - 10 step 1 p2 from 5 - 20 step 1

Resizing timeseries in EA

Hi All, I am trying to include my indicator within my EA but am facing some issues with timeserie arrays. I have created arrays and set them as timeserie but when resizing this is still adding new elements to the end of the array, I was expecting when resizing a timeserie to have new elements added