New ways for developers to create applications that build on, and securely tap into the Office 365 platform...
Market News
  • 151
30 October 2014, 12:11
The glacier-white PlayStation 4 will ship in the UK on Friday October 17, Sony has confirmed to GameSpot. Retailers appear to be offering these systems at a slight increase in cost, selling each 500GB unit for about £350...
Market News
  • 234
  • 1
16 October 2014, 06:11
Deutsche Bank is losing some of its strongest financial performers amid a clampdown on bad behavior by traders, as the lender faces ongoing probes by global regulators into allegations of attempts to rig markets...
Market News
  • 134
15 October 2014, 03:11
Texas has moved to respond to complaints of air pollution due to fracking activities in South Texas, with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) installing an air monitoring station inside the Eagle Ford Shale...
Crude Oil
  • 210
13 October 2014, 06:11
One of the main key's to successful trading is the preservation of capital...
  • 347
6 September 2014, 12:11
NFP Is a Highly Anticipated News Event Expectations are Set at 230k The release of the monthly Non-Farm Payroll figures is a highly anticipated moment for Forex traders...
Trading Systems
  • 330
  • 1
5 September 2014, 07:11
In a press release the organizers of the Global Bitcoin Summit say that the event will be held in Hong Kong from November 28 to 29 this year...
  • 264
4 September 2014, 03:11
Trend lines are lines that are drawn along either peaks (rally, highs) or troughs (dips, lows). Trend lines are simple yet very effective technical analysis tool. Learning to draw correct trendlines pays off in many ways. It is pretty simple on smooth market price movements...
Trading Systems
  • 437
3 September 2014, 18:11
S&P 500 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS – Prices extended upward after clearing resistance in the 1985.30-91.40 area marked by the 50% Fibonacci expansion and the July 24 high, with the bulls targeting the intersection of a formerly broken channel floor and the 61.8% level at 2006.80...
Market News
  • 166
28 August 2014, 06:11 #S&P 500, gold
Overproduction of gasoline helped weaken Nearby Crude Oil futures in July. Since the refineries are scheduled to shut down earlier than usual because of the slowdown in gasoline demand, crude oil prices are likely to continue to weaken in August...
Weekly Trends
  • 245
27 August 2014, 17:11 #crude oil