
DLL Array passing

hello, i dont know if this is where i should post this, but would anyone know what would happen if i passed an array of doubles to a DLL and have the DLL resize it? i feel it may be possible but considering the DLL is written in c++ which doesnt actually know the size of the array, if i did resize

Standard C Libraries

Hello, this is my first time here so didnt know where to post this, but i am using a c header file and it needs to include c standard headers. Will i need to get these and put them in the "includes" folder? or do they already exist somewhere? im a bit new to this so sorry if i am a bit slow

Print isnt working my own functions

hello, i am having an issues with printing or commenting from my own functions , i have probably just done something extremely stupid but i can figure out whats wrong. test(); void test(){ Print ( "test" ); Comment ( "test" ); the "test();" is being run in the init function, on other EAs it

Issue placing 1 trade per bar

Hello, this is my first post on this forum. I have been having an issue with getting only 1 trade per bar happening, i searched the forums and used similar code to what others suggested but it still places many bars on certain spots. Can anyone explain why this is occurring and how to fix it? My