Mahdi Khoshroo / Profile
Mahdi Khoshroo
Added topic some of my trade data disappeard
hi i download metatrader4 from robo. and i opened demo account . i have 80 trader but metatrader show me 40 trade. doesmetatrader delete data after a period? how long is that
Mahdi Khoshroo
Added topic complex shape doens't show correctly!!!
i try with some indicator. but the shape doesn't show correctly. for example when indicator want to show star or arrow it shows rectangle. for example with fractal indicator
Mahdi Khoshroo
Added topic how to find ichimoku crosses
i test this code to serach in all my symbols and find ichimoku crosses but i have error #include <Indicators/Trend.mqh> #include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh> #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> #include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh>
Mahdi Khoshroo
Added topic is there any plan for metatrader6?
i like metatrader but in ui other platform are much better. for example metatrader doens't support opacity colors or it has lack of objects ex: i need more fibonacci object like in motive wave
Mahdi Khoshroo
Added topic filter symbols to find signal
is it possible to make expert or script to search all symbols with special conditions and filter them and show in market watch or anywhere else?if yes how? for example i want to filter symbols to show me symbols by macd best postion to buy