
MQL4 ObjectSetDouble Bug!

Hi all, I have encountered an unexpected bug or error while using the ObjectSetDouble function , following is the program segment. #define error Print("Error: ", GetLastError()); void Deserializer::Create( long id){ int len = ArraySize ( this .obj); for ( int i= 0 ; i<len; i++){ if (

free the DLL

Dear all, I wrote a dll function , so that I can extend mql4. But I found there is no way to release the dll file unless I close the terminal. This is not a big problem, but very annoying while developing and upgrading the dll. Does anyone can provide a solution? Just like when the indicator and

enum type parameter needs a default value

Hi all, I found that MT4(Build 745) is compulsory requiring enum type variable to have a default value, which is very confused. Below is my code segment. enum LineType { UP_TRENDLINE, DN_TRENDLINE }; class FractalLine { private : datetime left, right; double currentValue;

Bugs in MT4?

Hi, I have encountered the following errors while writing my indicator: //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 2 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator