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Added topic Any possibility of 10 min bars?
Any possibility of adding 10 min bars to MetaTrader 4? Karan
Added topic 10 minute bars
Hi MetaTrader4 developers, There are several trading strategies that use 10 min bars (see the ones from the Trading Instutute as an example) Granted that you have 1, 5, 15,30 min bars but you do not have 10 minute bars. I am sure it would be a
Added topic Bug in calling a ref toinside a library?
The following code works when placed in the same module but if you place this in a library and call it even with the prototype set correctly it does not work. void median(string symbol, double& medianU, double& medianL) { if (symbol == "
Added topic Positioning of text objects
Text objects are centered around the price. I know how to change the angle of the text object and in some situations this can help. However, how do you precisely control the postioning of the start of the text object. I want the text object to start
Added topic Market Profile indicator
Has anyone implemented the Market Profile Indicator as discussed by James Dalton in his book Mind Over Markets in MQL4
Added topic Order ticket#
In my EA I have multiple lots. After a price is reached I scale out by taking one lot off. The ticket # is i closed and goes into Account History trades and a new ticket# is created which shows up in trades screen. If I attempt to modify the stop
Added topic Calling a DLL from within an EA
I am trying to call a DLL from an EA. I am getting an error message in the EA log that I am unable to call the function in the DLL. I thought it might be a parmeter passing issue so I made a dummy function with no params: int getInt(); In the DLL
Added topic EA stop times
The EA automatically stops running after sometime. How do you keep it running continuosly? In my case it stopped once at 3:05 PM ET (USA), and at another time around 8:00 PM ET
Added topic Debugging EA
Anyone have effective strageies to debug Expert Advisors. Is there anyway to set a breakpoint and examine variables -- a basic debugger? Currently I am setting values in global variables and examining them. I could also write them to a log file, I
Added topic dll interface
I am able to pass int and double by ref to a Dll that I wrote in C. Can anyone point me to an example of passing strings from MetaTrader to the C Dll. The C Dll will also return a char* of sizes less than 255
Added topic Getting point spread
I am using the following to compute the spread in points for the current chart: string symbol = Symbol(); // Get chart symbol int spread = MarketInfo (symbol,MODE_SPREAD); spread is being set to 0. I have verified that symbol is valid (set to
Added topic Argument passimg in MQL4
I know C/C++ and find the syntax of MQL4 to be compatible with C, However there are annoying differences such as not being able to do a pre decrement operator (--pos), etc. How do you pass arguments to functions that modify the arguments. In C you