
What is the difference between the function iHigh and iHighest?

As stated in the title, I'm wondering what's the different and when to use iHigh and iHighest? Thank you

Coding FIbonacci in a Specific Time Range

Hi, i'm currently coding a strategy which requires a Fibonacci in a specific time range. Let say, the Fibonacci levels has to be drawn based on 1 month highest and lowest point. int fibHigh = iHighest( NULL , PERIOD_W1 , MODE_HIGH, *What to put?*, 1 ); int fibLow = iLowest( NULL

What is all these #define means?

Dear All, I'm very new to mql4, may I know what is all these means? #define SIGNAL_NONE 0 #define SIGNAL_BUY 1 #define SIGNAL_SELL 2 #define SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY 3 #define SIGNAL_CLOSESELL 4 Thank you