Johann Strümpfer
Johann Strümpfer

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Johann Strümpfer
Added topic New MQL5 learner - Can someone please point me in the right direction
I've bough mql5 fundamentals on *** and busy watching youtube videos  by *** Jimdandy explains things very well. Problem is most of his videos are for mql4. I've been building an indicator translating from mql4 to mql5 and hit a bit of a bump
Johann Strümpfer
Added topic Error on
Creating a text file In order to create a file, open it using the FileOpen() function. Open the "test.txt" file using the FILE_READ flag instead of the FILE_WRITE one: int h= FileOpen ( "test.txt" , FILE_WRITE | FILE_ANSI | FILE_TXT ); It should be
Johann Strümpfer
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