James Seal / Publications
MT5 Filling Options Explained
Hi, On MT5 when an EA is loaded and on inputs panel there are 4 options for the Filing of Orders (i have listed them below) But can someone please explain the difference between all 4? there is 1 - Order_Filling_FOK 2 - Order_Filling_IOC 3 - Order_Filling_Return 4 - Order_Filling_BOC Many thanks
Formatting Question on EA Description Page
Hi, I've written the description for my EA, but i cannot get the gaps between the lines to go and the text to be normal layout, as it seems to make the description page look really long. I am sure it is something simple i have missed. Thanks in advance
Drawdown on signal is incorrect
Hi, A signal had a drawdown 27.39% which i agree with then after a few orders closed, a mixture in profit and loss, but the overall outcome was a profit, the drawdown updated to 35.8%. Nowhere on the drawdown chart is the drawdown any higher than 27.39% How do i get the drawdown figure updated to