
CiStochastic.Create - no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call

'Create' - no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call only can't pass compile at CiStochastic if (m_MACD = new CiMACD) { m_MACD.Create(NULL, 0, 12, 26, 9, PRICE_CLOSE); m_MACD.BuffSize(2); } if (m_MA = new CiMA) { m_MA.Create(NULL, 0, 20, 0

Dll, write by Borland Delphi. Can't work in MT5.

dll file ================================ library TestDll; uses ShareMem, SysUtils, Classes; function TestDll_A(i: integer): integer; stdcall; begin Result := i * 100; end; function TestDll_B(aStr: PChar): integer; stdcall; begin // StrCopy(aStr, PChar('123')); StrCopy(aStr, PChar('in