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Added topic KST (Know Sure Thing) Indicator for FX Trading in MT4
Hello everyone. I'm starting a topic on the use and experiences using Martin Pring's KST indicator in FX trading using MT4. Would welcome any comments, ideas, experiences, thoughts, observations and the like. JGF
Added topic Problem with %D value in stochastic
Dear Guru's; I have a simple EA that calls up iStochastic for the previous bar. The %K line is exactly right when checked via the subsequent print statement. However the %D line is way off and does not correspond to any nearby bars. I have tried
Added topic EA calcultions are always 1 bar behind Indicator values
Hello everyone; Over the last few months I have managed to become a little more proficient at programming, thanks mainly to the great tips on this forum and the comments by some of you (thank you!!!!). However, I seem to constantly get stuck in a
Added topic EA opens positions at prices NOT within bars
I have noticed this a few times. Some of the EA's I have been working up open positions at prices that are not within a candle. I have checked my History data and it is the same as that shown in the bars. Also, the output of indicators (eg
Added topic EA not trading when in DEMO testing
Good evening expert traders and programmers: This seems a common enough problem, yet I've not managed to find a solution in any of the threads. After writing and back testing a few EA's I have been trying to demo test and can not get the EA to trade
Added topic How do you stop opeation of an EA??
An obvious question and I'm sure there is a simple answer staring me in the face, but, as Blackadder would say, "bugger me with a fish fork" if I can see it
Added topic Reason for Last Order Closing
Is there a simple way of retrieving if a previously closed order closed via Take Profit or Stop Loss? At present I am retrieving price data and comparing closing price with stop loss and take profit to infer if that was the case. thanks
Added topic Division by variable error in Indicator
I have an interesting problem. I wrote an Indicator that uses the Standard Deviation as a denominator in an equation. When I use the value but not to divide something else by it, it works fine by which it implies it is a non-zero value. However, when
Added topic MA_previous: Question from newbie
I want to measure the difference once bar at the time of an EMA to determine if it is increasing or decreasing. My problem is I can't seem to figure out how to store the newer EMA value until it becomes the older value, so I can compare it to the
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