Thang Dang
Thang Dang

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Thang Dang
Added topic Make backtesting Visualization in MT5 better
In MT4, it opens another chart when you do a backtest with Visualization and you can freely add any indicator later on to check if your EA works correctly. However in MT5, this is changed and the way it handles Visualization is cumbersome and make it
Thang Dang
Added topic iClose for PERIOD_D1 always returns 0 if Shift is >= 400 bars in MT5 but ok in MT4
If I use the following code in MT5 it returns ~0 even my data is good and available from 2003, 99% model quality. This means MT5 skips all data that passes 4-500 days. We are migrating to MT5 and lots of our algorithms are based on past data. I feel
Thang Dang
Added topic There are no new data for a symbol GBPUSD
Since last Friday, I have been receiving this error when I tried to download the history data from History center in MT4. All symbols and brokers have similar error. Do you have any idea? MT5 has history data too, but I find some indicators not
Thang Dang
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