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Added topic What level of mt5 Broker Error would be justified by litigation
Waiting to get reply from my broker on what i think is a data error in their useless stock data  , standard of thier charts data for stocks is very poor, but i always used trading view. The situation i now face is that they have entered me into
Added topic How about an mql_Save
I have been having difficulties with various EA i use having to twist my arms backwards just to accomplish saving of EA data. ANd leaves me wondering why the entire meta quotes API does not include an  mql_Save to tell an EA to save its data
Added topic MT5 Chart Tab Profile Bug Report
The Bug is about chart profiles not being saved properly and being corrupted by new charts that weren't there, IF the profile has enough charts that chart tab scrolling arrows become active.  In short should one use enough charts that the chart
Added topic Wrongly Triggered pending order
Hello below is mt5 1h chart showing with the blue arrow for mt5 trade history where my pending order was triggered into a live position. Problem is the price as you can see never even came close to my order price. Was triggered into a loosing
Added topic Suggestion For Mt5 Meta Quote Developers
Please make the mt5 chat notification useful and not a nuisance by allowing us to choose whom or what product we want to maintain chat with. My mt5 chat system is very useful for me to keep in touch with those i want and thus very important feature
Added topic An Incredible situation In User Interface Design
Meta Quotes its 2023 , please provide traders with an option to turn off MT5 tool tip nuisance. The MT5 tool tip draws its own window over the current location of the mouse, preventing user from being able to click that area , and in fast trading
Added topic How to get Historical chart data for mt5
Hi So many charts from my broker only reach 1h or 4h , when there is more detailed charts on google and yahoo finance, but they not as usefull as chart i can place indicators on in my mt5 terminal. How do i get more detailed historical charts for mt5
Added topic How to install market product to specific platform
Hi I have browsing the mt5 market web page for useful products.  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/mt5 And when i select to download a product , it asks if i have mt5 , i click yes. !!!! And then it does the alarming thing !!!!, it opens up any of
Added topic Desperately Need Help with Terminal Bug that loosing me money
When i Start the terminal for trading, My last used profile is automatically loaded up as usual , problem is the terminal would also have opened duplicates of some of the charts i have in the profile. These duplicate charts are hard to sport cause my
Added topic mql5 structs not flexible, no struct refence variable
In c++ you can declare a refence variable as member of struct struct SomeStruct{} struct MyStruct { int x; string s; SomeStruct& rSomeStruct; } the above does not compile in mql5, cause of the reference variable  In mql5 the only place i
Added topic MQL5 Project Types Uses and Best Practice advice needed
Hi I am trying to find out about all the project types supported by meta editor, just came across services which was new to me even though been coding mql5 over a year. So i am curious about Library project too. Whats it for. Looked in a library
Added topic Help: Copy Folders anywhere win32 api Access violation error
Hi i am trying to write some code to allow me to copy files from my mql profile area into anywhere like say local pc or pc on local network. I have tried some code with diffrent results. //this does nothing but returns success
Added topic FileSeek error 5035
Hi  I am testing mql5 csv file manipulation. Created csv file and did  FileSeek (in_iCsvFileHandle, 0 , SEEK_END ); Seek to end of file  And am getting error 5035 with message  = String length is less than expected. file is opened
Added topic Need Advice, Regards Best Practice for Margin Level on MT5
Hi seems there is  terminology confusion when one mentions margin level, so to be clear here i mean the margin level that leads to margin call if it goes below 100%. I am new trader using  long term trading strategy , it helps me reduce the
Added topic MQL include folder for multiple projects
Hi Need help figuring out where to put mqh files i intend to use on multiple projects . If i put in the standard include folder for mql, only that project can see the files. So i want to put my mqh files somewhere on my drive and have mutiple mql
Added topic static member of template class
Hello I am trying to declare and initialise static member of mql template class , but my syntax not working template < typename t > class C_Test {     public :     static uint mvs_data ; }; //compiler does not like this part
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