Ali irwan
Ali irwan
  • Information
10+ years
demo versions
Ali irwan
Added topic identification of trend changes using trend line
hello master trader. Recently I learned trading strategy using trend line but I have difficult to identify trend. and that I want to ask. how to identify trend changes using trend line. as shown below the picture above is an example of a scenario for
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Why this spread
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Disini Hujan lebat banget..
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Apalagi dibarengi dengan sebatang rokok
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Duduk sambil Menikmati secangkir kopi
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Good Morning All trader.
Ali irwan
Added topic Trading is a part of life
In trading we assume that trading is a habit that we do or part of our lives. So you will not be in a hurry to analyze or transact. As long as you are not used to doing analysis and making decisions, then you will still "stutter". Your "steps" will
Ali irwan
Added topic Course forex
What are the reasons one should pay for a forex course ?  Whereas in some cases, good strategies are used for trading and poorly taught strategies
Ali irwan
Added topic Unmached Data error
Hello Why every time I do a strategy tester always appears in the image below. Is there something wrong my Ea
Ali irwan
Published post Alysisis support and rasistance with fractal
Fractals are a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole. Fractals are generally self-similar and independent of scale...
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Togetherness is more important
Jun Hu
Jun Hu 2017.08.03
Ali irwan
Ali irwan 2017.08.03
haha..telur telur
Ali irwan
Ali irwan 2017.08.03
Si entong doyan makan..heee
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Enjoy to trading
Ali irwan
Added topic Trading Loss
Why people often lose in forex trading , how do successful people think
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Good morning teacher
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
I want play
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Siapa yang menanam dialah yang memetik hasilnya..
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Trading bersama mak lampir...
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Memastikan bahwa anda juga pernah salah..
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Santai sambil menikmati hidangan kopi.
Ali irwan
Ali irwan
Good morning all
[Deleted] 2017.07.17
Good morning!