
MT4 data

Hello everyone, I have a quick question regarding backtesting in general: Do you know where I can find price data for the different currencies? And how do we know if our data is not falsified? Thanking you in advance, I wish you a great day

Lot calculation based on risk and leverage

Hello to all, I have a rather basic question to ask... I know that to calculate the position size you have to use the formula: Lots= Risk Capital/( Stop Loss * Pip Value) or Pip Value = (1 pip * Lot size)/ exchange rate. In view of these two formulas, I wonder first of all in relation to the risk

Variable problem

Hello to all, For some time I have been trying to get the number of consecutive maximum losses at the end of my backrest in a variable but my program returns a completely different number than what I see in my program... here it is: double OnTester () { MaxConsecutivesLoss =

A simple program

Hello, I am a beginner in programming and at the moment I am trying to learn to code with the mql4 language. I am trying to understand the concepts of function variables, predefined variables... But I get stuck on my program and I can't find the errors... I wanted to create take profit and stop

Too many passes

Hello, I have a small question concerning the maximum number of parameters we can test: how to increase the number of parameters to test because I use a strategy with several indicators but I can't finally backtest it on a large range of values because my parameters are too big... Do you know how to

Chouette of computer

Hello to all, I would like to buy a computer to do automatic trading , which one do you recommend? Which one do you use? Thank you in advance for your answers

Data forex H1

Hello, Do you know where I can get the last 10 years data on forex H1 unit for example. Because I can only backtest my 5 month moving averages on H1 Thanks in advance

learn Mql4

Good evening to all, I'm trying to learn the MQL4 language, how did you learn it? (Books, videos...) Thanks in advance

Price problem

Good evening, I don't understand why my code doesn't work... I think it's due to the Ask and the AccountBallance() but I've done some modifications and search in the MQL4 library but I can't solve my problem... here is my code : extern int SL1 = 500 ; extern int TP1 = 500 ; extern int i = 0 ; extern

store the price in a variable

Hello, I hope you are well, I would like to store my price in a variable and execute an order if the price reaches x value, how can I write this please? Thanks in advance