Weiheng Huang
Weiheng Huang
  • Information
2 years
demo versions
Weiheng Huang Published MetaTrader 4 signal
Trading Tact
Price: 30 USD, Growth: 56.16%
Diversified portfolio of 10 systems trading across EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPJPY. Robustness is my top priority during system development. Each system has passed stringent out-of-sample testing over 18 years. A conservative 0.5% of account capital is risked per trade. Stop losses are always used. Trading is fully automated, but monitored constantly
Weiheng Huang
Added topic MT4 open prices testing
Hi all,  I have questions on MT4's 'Open prices' testing mode. I understand that the open of the current bar gives the signal that the previous bar has closed. Trading decisions are then made based on the CLOSE price of the bar that was just
Weiheng Huang
Added topic MT4 optimizer showing 0 trades
Hello, I have an issue when using the MT4 optimizer. As shown below, when I run a 5-pass optimization, 4 passes have 0 trades. However, when I run each pass individually (not optimizing), all 5 passes have trades.  When I change the date range
Weiheng Huang
Added topic Indicator decimal digits
Hello, I am using the default moving average indicator in MT4. In the data window, the MA values are given to 5 decimal places. Does this mean that the actual indicator value computed is rounded to 5 decimal places? I'm testing a basic MA crossover
Weiheng Huang
Added topic Same trading start date for all optimization runs
I am trying to optimize the period of an indicator using the optimizer in the MT4 strategy tester . The indicator will have varying initialization periods for each optimization run. Is it possible to configure the strategy tester such that trades can
Weiheng Huang
Added topic System Optimal Complexity
Hello fellow traders,  I just finished 'Trading Systems: A New Approach to System Development and Portfolio Optimisation' by Tomasini and Jaekle. They mention that every system has a point at which optimal complexity is reached, meaning that
Weiheng Huang
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