Arthur Ockwell / Publications
Help with Invalid Stops pleae
Hi, I calculate my trade parameters as follows: entry= iLow ( NULL , 0 , 1 )- 20.0 ; tp=entry-InitalTarget; sl=entry+InitalStop; Print(DisplayTimeStr," [",Symbol(),"] Time ["+LondonDate+" "+LondonTime+"]", " BuyOrSell '",BuyOrSell,"' entry ", DoubleToString(entry,Digits)," TP
MT4 Coding Question: Buffers and Arrays
Hello folks, I am attempting to code an Custom Indicator but to arrive and the final value for putting into the IndexBuffers I need very much more than 8 indicator_buffers. I have created a set of Arrays and in the Init code: ArrayResize (bufferVolgv, Bars ); ArraySetAsSeries (bufferVolgv, true
Looking for MQL4 Indicator help
Hi, I have attempted to code an Indicator for this thread: When I compile it the indie is 180 degress reversed (buys shows as sells and sells as buys) but if I change timeframe and revert back it is OK. Then the indie always shows buys regardless