
Return 4806 when create a iMACD handle in OnTick and useiGetArray to get buffer data, what`s the problem?

The following is my test code void OnTick () { //--- tick_cnt++; if (tick_cnt % 100 == 0 ) { signal_period++; int handle = iMACD ( Symbol (), PERIOD_CURRENT , 120 , 260 ,signal_period, PRICE_CLOSE ); if (handle== INVALID_HANDLE ) { PrintFormat ( "Failed to

Is success or fail when Ctrade ResultRetcode return TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED

Ctrade ResultRetcode return TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED, but ResultOrder is 0, why

How can I download the last two years tick from MT5?

I try to use CopyTicks, but it is not work

Need help!MT5 CopyTicks return the first time of ticks not match the Chart`s

The code like this //--- Requesting the tick history since 1970.01.01 00:00.001 (parameter from=1 ms) int received= CopyTicks ( _Symbol ,tick_array, COPY_TICKS_ALL , 1 ,getticks); and in the tick_array the first time is " 2019.10.21 08:58:05.309", but in the Chart have from 2018 to now