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Added topic Possible wrong definition of DayOfYear() and DayOfWeek() in the documentation?
In the documentation: int DayOfWeek( ) Returns the current zero-based day of the week (0-Sunday,1,2,3,4,5,6) of the last known server time. int DayOfYear( ) Returns the current day of the year (1 means 1 January,..,365(6) does
Added topic Alternative Tester?
I'm looking for an alternative to the MT4 Tester. Specifically, the main features I want it to have (which are not in the MT4 Tester): - Ability to simulate on Tick data. - Variable spread. - More than one symbol at the same time. - Control over
Added topic Alpari UK M1 Data?
I've been looking for Alpari UK M1 EURCHF data , about 5 years back. Anybody know of a source for this
Added topic Using Return() from within a for/while loop?
Some languages don't work well when a function 's value is returned from within a loop (in our case 'for' or 'while' loop). I have done some test scripts and I haven't found a problem with that in MQL4, but I'm not sure... Can I return a value from
Added topic OrderSelect() and ticket behavior - ascending/descending?
A few questions regarding ticket numbering and OrderSelect() behavior: 1. Is it guaranteed that orders opened have ascending ticket numbers? So for example - if order x was opened AFTER order y, is it guaranteed that ticket x > ticket y? 2
Added topic What is '\x90'?
From the article "HTML Walkthrough Using MQL4" (https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/1544) : int devider = '\x90' ; FileHandle = FileOpen ( FullFileName , FILE_READ , devider ) ; Is '\x90' similar to newline character
Added topic How to choose Timeframe in the Tester? An experiment.
Although I have been reading all information I can get my hands on regarding back-testing in MT4 (including all Tester related articles in the articles section), I still can't understand timeframes in the MT4 Tester... To better understand the
Added topic Do u need to normalize predefined variables Ask, Bid?
I guess the answer is probably no, but just to be sure - do u need to normalize any of the following: - predefined variables Ask, Bid - value returned from MarketInfo (Symbol(), MODE_BID) or MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) - value returned from
Added topic Collected tick data graph vs. original graph? Why the difference?
I've started to collect tick data lately for testing purposes (that have nothing to do with this thread). Just out of curiosity I used simple csv2fxt (https://www.mql5.com/en/code/8658) script to convert the data into an hst file. I took a spare MT4
Added topic Does MarketInfo(symbol,type) need Refreshrates()?
Do yu need to use RefreshRates () before using MarketInfo(symbol,type)? Specifically, assuming that the EA is attached to EURUSD chart, if I use: bid_price = MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_BID); Will it be EXACTLY the same result as: RefreshRates();
Added topic SummaryReport.mq4 - Q regarding drawdown - absolute, max and relative?
I am trying to use SummaryReport.mq4 from the article "How to Evaluate the Expert Testing Results" (https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/1403), but I get different results for absolute, max and relative drawdown... Most of the time they are
Added topic Security issues when using a VPS to trade?
I'm having internet problems at my current location and have been thinking about getting a VPS to trade. My main concern is security - not from external sources like hackers, etc., but from the stuff at which ever hosting company I get the VPS at
Added topic DataCenter connecting failed [6] error - how to solve this?
I've noticed that very rarely when internet connection falls for a few seconds/minutes, after it is back online MT4 DOES NOT reconnect properly. What happens is that the top triangle at the bottom right of MT4 comes back green, but the bottom one
Added topic optimization Symbol Properties changes?
I've done some optimizations lately that have different results for same EA/params/data/etc. As I understand, as long as you are connected to a certain broker, Tester takes the properties shown in " Symbol Properties " live from that
Added topic extern variables and timeframe change?
As far as I can figure when timeframe is changed in a chart, the expert attached to it will have it's extern variables reset to the values it had the last time variables where changed (or at expert start if no change was made). Can anybody verify
Added topic DataCenter connecting failed [6], unknown command C6?
I've been using the ALPARI UK Demo for a few months now and this is the first time I came across this error. My journal has the following lines (they repeat a few times): DataCenter connecting failed [6] unknown command C6 login The expert that was
Added topic Memory leak in Tester with MT4 build 224?
I'm running optimizations and the Tester crashes after about an hour. After investigation I've noticed the log file full of memory allocation errors.... I tried running optimization again, this time I left the task manager (windows xp sp3) open on
Added topic GetTickCount() in tester? How to inject mili-second delays in tester...
As far as I can tell GetTickCount() does not work in Tester (if I'm wrong then PLEASE correct me). So my question is, how can I "inject" a delay into Tester? For example, let's I want a more realistic OrderClose () function - obviously in
Added topic stoplevel limitation?
I am not sure about the correct definition of stoplevel... For takeprofit, is the limitation: 1. MathAbs (openprice - takeprofit) >= servers_min_stop ? or is it: 2. MathAbs(closeprice - takeprofit) >= servers_min_stop ? For stoploss, is the