Carl Schreiber
Carl Schreiber
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8+ years
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Carl Schreiber
Added topic Can I read from my EA a single Value from a customer-indicator => ExtMapVariable :) ??
Hi, as far as I have found all values that a customer-indicator can return has to be returned 'within' a buffer. But what if I want to calculate one value on the whole chart like: init() { SetIndexBuffer(6, myBuffer); } start() { .. double myVal =
Carl Schreiber
Added topic MarketInfo() - bug
Hi, I think, I just found a bug. To re-produce just install and insert as Custom-indicator, end and re-start MT4 - you'll find the window empty. Now just set faulty to false and feel better. I used this for my indicator in a separate_window
Carl Schreiber
Added topic Name-Formate of ExtMapBuffer1, ...
Do I need to keep the names of the buffers originally named by MT4: ExtMapBuffer5[] or can I replace the names e.g. according to the color they are paintend like smaBlue[] ?? Or does this mix up MT4? Carl
Carl Schreiber
Added topic my indicator isn't drawn when I start the mt4?
hi, my indicator compiles with no errors and is drawn corrretly. But when I now close and restart MT4 the indicator window is empty all buffers are zero, even after new quotes nothing can be seen, nothing is changed. Only if I again compile my
Carl Schreiber
Added topic Vista is bullshit: Memory handler: cannot allocate 1165032 bytes of memory but 632% RAM is still free?? Visa & Metatrader ist trustworthy??
Does anybody knows how to deal with this? I get constantly these messagess after 12 h running MetaTrader without problems: 2008.11.25 22:05:50 HistoryBase: not enough memory ' EURUSD1 ' [57109 bars] ... 2008.11.25 22:06:01 Memory handler: cannot
Carl Schreiber
Added topic writing to csv-File - two problems :(
Hi, writing to files has definitely some room for improvement :( very unconvenient that the Array() only writes bin-files not to csv. So to do further research in excel I have to glue everything to one string to write this liine at once to the csv
Carl Schreiber
Added topic can' write in new file: wrong file name??
please enlighten me. This failes with: "wrong file name"? if ( result < = 0 ) handle = FileOpen ( "C: \U sers \c as \D ocuments \T rading \e igEntw \f orex \n eg.csv" , FILE_CSV | FILE_WRITE , ';' ) ;       
Carl Schreiber
Added topic where are MY files (EA. templates,..) ??
Hi, unfortunately I have a acer notebook with vista ( I hope MS is heavily hit by this crisis!!) on which mt4 is running. Now I wanted to save MT4 with my files (in order to update to mt4 220) but I cant't find MY files by vista? Neither me nor me as
Carl Schreiber
Added topic Global Variables: what's wrong
Hi, I am running the same EA on all wiindows to see its behaviour. And to have the actual situation of all in every window I want to write a global Variable into each main Window by Comment. So I wrote this littel function to set its value to the