
iHigh[1] returning iHigh[2] ...

Hi, somebody knows why the first time of the day I run a script asking for iHigh[ 1 ] with in a loop, system returns me what is the iHigh[2] (third bar starting from end) , and when I re-run the script the same day it returns me the real iHigh[ 1 ] (second bar starting from end, in fact yesterday's

Loop to check eack chart one after anoter

//| Script program start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnStart() { //--- long currChart,prevChart=ChartFirst(); int i=0,limit=100;

SL not hit but order is closed

Hi, how is this possible, the SL was set at 0.7599 but high did not reach it, the high of this bar is 0.7594 spread is 10 points, so it can not have any impact? or can it have ? i am lost with that, usually i find answer myself but this one makes no sense to me thank you

Des questions en français - will not be supported and may be deleted

Bonjour, je veux simplement ouvrir un topic pour ceux et celles qui veulent poser leurs question en francais et veulent des réponses en francais. Pas toujours évident de traduire les termes de trader, programmeur, et le jargon MQL alors je crois que si nous nous réunissons sous un même topic, nous

unable to backtest ?

when I try to use the backtester, it always shutdown after 30 secondes and it is written: history download started one second after : history download canceled .......but no backtest is done 2010.11.02 20:50:09 Core 1 disconnected 2010.11.02 20:50:08 Core 1 EURUSD: history synchronized from

less then 1 1/2 month to register for ATC 2010 and no visual mode in backtest feature

I was wondering if visual mode would be released at least some weeks before end of registration for ATC because my EA has still alot of problem and whitout visual mode it is messy to detect were are the problem. i saw somewhere that it was suppose to be release soon.. but if it is like the "coming

OFF Quote

I do not received quotes since about 4 hours ago ? connection is ok and all is working ok but there is no activiti on the market

Pending order info in Tester Log

Is there a possibilyty to add pending order expiration date in the tester log file ? I have big doubt they are not respected

unable to connect

I keep receving this message in the journal of the terminal : no connection to metaquotes-demo and after 5 secondes i receive this message: disconnected from metaquotes-demo from 12:10 to 12:24 and it still going on (it is now 12:26)... I only have 1 hour of lunch and i have to spend the half to try

order type integer?

hi, i want to check if order is sell orbuy type,and this require an integer...but wich one is buy and wich one the sell? cant find infoin help file... i can not do this; if (OrderGetInteger(ORDER_TYPE)==ORDER_TYPE_BUY)??somebody can show mewhere i can find int value of a buy and sell order? the only