
Cloud network very expensive after last update

Hi all, has anyone else noticed the cost of cloud network has gone up significantly since the latest updates to MT5? Over the past week my costs have more than doubled, doing exactly the same level of work. Today alone the cost is over $200USD

Can't access marketplace

Hi everyone, is anyone experiencing connection issues to the marketplace from within MT5? See attached. I can see the products but when clicking there is nothing except stars

Cloud Network Can't Get Working

Hi All, newbie problems I suspect. I have been reading every thread and article I can on how to use cloud network but I still can not get it to process tasks. After I start it disconnects Then says failed. Or USA doesn't do anything I disabled my local agents. I have funds in the account. What am I

Optimizations MT5 For MT4

Hi all, I'm new here. Can anyone tell me - MT5 is much faster for optimizations, so can I run optimizations using every tick on MT5 DEMO EA then apply the best parameters to the same in MT4 if I already own this? I mean, of course I can do it, but will the results be the same