
C+ coding question for library.dll

bool LibrarySecurityQ1(){ return ( false );} int AccountsAllowed(){ return (AccountNumber());} Hi, I am trying to write a .dll for my EA. I am new at C++ though, and I am trying to convert the above MQL into C++. If someone could show me an example of the above in C++ I would be very grateful. If

Trouble Selecting Order properly when part of it closed

Hi guys. A quick question, but I have tried many things. I have been closing parts of orders, and then basing decisions of the rest on the part of the order that is still in MODE_TRADES, and unfortunately it uses the info from the orders from MODE_HISTORY at the same time (even if I give that ticket

EA Protection Ideas please

Hello again fellow coders. I have finished reading this very very impressive article: (titled: Protect Yourself, Developers!) That was an excellent article Sergey, thank you. I was successful at implementing all of those ideas without need for support, it was

Problem with EA code 2 (SL manager)

Hello, Thanks again with your help while I am learning MQL. Here is my next problem.... I am SOOOO close on this one.... I have it doing everything that I want it to... However it is modifying the SLs on EVERYTICK if the GAP is over this criteria, rather than just EXECUTING ONCE... It is a very

Humour while learning MQ4

Hi guys, I am fairly new to the forum and still learning MQ4 (thanks for the support with that too ;) ) I couldn't resist writing a post for something completely different, please forgive me if it is too cheesy!!! (It can slip down the list unanswered or moderators are welcome to delete if nobody

Problem with EA code

Hi Guys, I am quite stuck on this EA I am constructing, and any help would be appreciated (code in file) Just need a hand with this bit of code