
MQL4: Major bug in CiMACD code in Oscilators.mqh

Hi, This is notice that if you try to use CiMACD in MQL4 you will not always get the correct result. The reason is that in class method GetData you have the following line: return ( iMACD (m_symbol,m_period,m_fast_ema_period,m_slow_ema_period,m_signal_period,buffer_num,m_applied,index)); Look at the

Notifications: failed send request [0] send request failed [12030]

Hey guys, The error appears to be on a VPS server . The notification Test button does work. I found no indication or reason for it on the web. Does anyone know what could be the cause of this error message

Error opening history file of symbol name EURUSD..r

Hi, I am trying to read from history file using an EA, but I encountered a problem with a certain broker, in which the symbol names end in [..r], i.e: EURUSD..r When I try to use the FileOpenHistory function with this filename, I receive an error 4101 - Wrong File Name. On any other broker with

How to write a function like Print(...)

Hi, I want to know how the Print(...) function was coded, because I want to write such a function myself, which takes infinite number of parameters. Does anyone know