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Hi all,

today i created another mmql5 account and paid again 15$ . and when i used that to connect i am getting the same error. my account not migrating. "
2024.01.17 13:38:53.927 Virtual Hosting: 6546909 failed to connect to server 'MQL5 Ireland 02' ( failed)"
My payment to both MQL% account is success.
Please help . Two three i did the entire process .but nothing worked. Finally i configured everything in new PC . that also not working. I am really required support from your side .
Added topic fail to migrate after synchronising
Hello everyone, I have MT5 and yesterday subscribed to 1 month vps for 15$ and when I reach the migration step I be unable to select any choice neither click the " migrate ", it tells in the details that " status: stopped ", I tried everything like
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