Forexmadesimple / Profile
Added topic Strategy tester
Some quick advice please as I do not have the time now to read all about strategy tester: when does one have to use the "start", "step" and "stop" columns? Thanks
Added topic Linux VPS hosting
Will MT4 work on a Linux VPS rather than a Windows platform
Added topic Indicators and EAs on marketplace
It would be good if Metaquotes can show Indicators and EAs under separate headings under each seller or allow one to search each section using the author's name. Some sellers have many indicators and EAs and one has to click on each one to figure out

shared product by seller Rajiv Ishwar
A great indicator that allows one to spot reversals, and follow a trend easily, on any timeframe. Works on any forex pair and other instruments. Works extremely well on exotic pairs It changes colour and direction and can be set to provide an alert for both long and short trades. It can also be used to set the stop loss and manually trail the trade. The indicator can be used on different timeframes easily, and is reliable in that it does not change during slight market corrections
Added topic Different results- EA on VPS vs computer
Yikes, I have tested an EA similtaneously on an MQL5 VPS and on another account just on my computer. Same broker & server for both accounts. The EA also had the same settings on both accounts. Completely different output. The VPS performs
Added topic EA on strategy tester vs live forward testing
Hi, why would an EA appear to work well in strategy tester in that the EA logic works but fails on forward testing by not following the intended logic? Anybody have an idea.
Added topic Strategy tester timeframe
When using strategy tester on say H1, it initially uses lower time frames as shown just above the progress bar - for example it states, "collecting M1", then "collecting M15". Can someone explain that please.
Added topic Closed trade to be shown on pair chart
Is there any way to show the closed trades on a chart with lines from trade opening to trade closing? It can be done by dragging the trade from the history list onto the chart, but I want this to occur automatically after each trade and not have to
Added topic Strategy tester optimization function
Please may I request that someone please explain the optimization function on strategy tester in simple terms for non-programmers. Also, when using strategy tester on say H1, it initially uses lower time frames as shown just above the progress bar -
Added topic Windows Update - Indicators and EAs
Do Windows updates affect downloaded indicator and EAs? After an update yesterday, my indicators no longer appear on charts and have to download then again.
Added topic Measuring trend on a single line on-chart indicator
I am not a programmer, hence this question. Does the Metaquotes language code have the ability to measure a trend based on a single line indicator on a chart to develop an EA or does it have to be a two-line cross over indicator
Added topic Trading strategies
Undoubtedly, trading forex is very difficult and people try to design their own trading strategy with indicators and expert advisors. However, now for the silly question: is there any consensus on some strategies/systems (not asking about EAs) being
Added topic Which Indicators were developed only/mainly for the Forex market?
Many indicators appear to have been developed for the stock market and then transplanted into the Forex market. The markets are fundamentally different so, which are the indicators developed exclusively for the Forex market
Added topic Demo versions - indicators and utilities
HOw does one test a demo version of an indictor or utiity product in the strategy tester
Added topic Min equity level when using signals
On the signals tab in MT4, one can specify the equity level to close all trades as part of money management by using the option "Stop if equity level is less than --------". The MT4 user guide states: Stop if equity is less
Added topic ATR on chart
Hi, is there an ATR indicator that displays the ATR levels on the actual price chart? The standard MT4 ATR displays as an indicator below the price chart similar to the RSI indicator.
Added topic Signal not copying full lots
Hi, I subscribe to signal and my account balance is greater than the signal provider's, yet my acount did not copy the full lot last night. It copied less than one third. Does this have anything the do with the setting: "Use no more than __% of