
Daily review of USD/JPY

Economic news The yen strengthens against the dollar after four consecutive days of losses The yen continues to stay in the top focus of investors and it seems it will remain so until the Bank of Japan’s meeting (21-22 January), at the latest. The Japanese currency has been experiencing serious

Commodities:Daily Gold review

In the early Wednesday session in Asia, gold slipped to a low of $1657.60 a troy ounce, after being pushed higher during trading on Tuesday. The precious metal rose by 1% and reached an intraday high of $1662.20 at the NYMEX trading session yesterday. The climb was supported by signs of increased

Daily Forex review of EUR/USD pair

Economic news During the early trading session today, the euro continues its decline which started in the very early hours of Thursday. The single currency reversed its original gains accumulated yesterday as the US post fiscal cliff status takes effect. The euro’s lower trading against the dollar

Daily Forex review of EUR/USD

Economic news During the early trading session today, the euro continues its decline which started in the very early hours of Thursday. The single currency reversed its original gains accumulated yesterday as the US post fiscal cliff status takes effect. The euro’s lower trading against the dollar

Commodities: Gold review

Commodities: Gold review The US fiscal cliff negotiations continue their strong influence on the markets as gold prices depreciated from $1703.10 on Monday to $1660.80 an ounce during yesterday’s trading session. The precious commodity dropped by $30 to a nearly four-month low, reaching an intraday

Daily Forex Analysis on USD/JPY and EUR/USD pairs

Economic news The yen reached its weakest level in a year and a half Today the Forex markets are dominated by the Japanese yen’s fall to its lowest level since April 2011, after election victory by Shinzo Abi’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). LDP emphasized on their determination to speed up Japan’s